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Your academic success is our goal, so we provide you with the tools to succeed.

Take advantage of the academic resources—available to students, faculty and staff—to make the most of your academic experience at Syracuse.

The Writing Center

A tutor and student working together.

The aim of the Writing Center is to help you become a stronger, more accomplished writer. Our consultants will work with you at any stage of your writing process in any form of support you choose.

Each semester hundreds of students visit our consultants to:

  • Interpret an assignment sheet, talk through ideas or discuss course readings
  • Keep writing styles focused, concise and organized
  • Acquire research strategies, integrate scholarly sources and apply proper documentation
  • Improve editing and proofreading skills, expand vocabulary and better understand technical conventions of academic writing

Center for Learning and Student Success

The Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) provides and facilitates academic support services for Syracuse students, including one-on-one tutoring, small-group tutoring and workshops, and academic integrity education and training. Through collaboration with academic departments and offices, CLASS coordinates programs and disseminates information about campuswide academic resources available to students. The center is located in Room 014 in the basement of Bird Library. Please stop in and see us.

Resources for students include:

  • Free group tutoring
  • Individual tutoring
  • Maximizing Your Learning sessions
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